Sol smoothie

Sun smoothie

A number of studies have shown that a mix of vitamin C and E can have a big impact on...

Dubbel P Julgröt av EatingNaked

The Double P Christmas Porridge by EatingNaked

I've filled this little bowl of porridge with yummy ingredients that are also good for your skin. The flavor of...

EatingNakeds prebiotiska potatissallad

EatingNaked's prebiotic potato salad

Today I want to share the recipe for my French potato salad, another lovely summer dish! Potato is a crop...

EatingNakeds sommartårta

EatingNaked's summer cake

Summer is here and so are the sweet Swedish strawberries! In other words, a recipe for a summer cake feels...

EatingNakeds läckra Vitamin C-rumble!

EatingNaked's delicious Vitamin C rumble!

This delicious crumble pie also contains your daily dose of vitamin C. Blackcurrants are rich in vitamin C which is...

Retinoodles av Eatingnaked

Retinoodles made by Eatingnaked

This dish will provide your daily need of beta-carotene. Your body will then be able to convert the beta-carotene into...

Savory Sunny Oats av EatingNaked

Savory Sunny Oats made by EatingNaked

This recipe is made by our intern Anna Gardell, who also has the Instagram account @Eatingnaked where she shares inspiring...

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats

Your skin will be thankful to you for many reasons if you eat fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6....

Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza

Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza

This is our Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza recipe that combines the stilbene resveratrol with the tannin procyanidin. Both belong to an...

Karotenoidrik Gazpacho för huden

Carotenoid-rich gazpacho for the skin

This is our “Carotenoid-rich gazpacho for the skin” recipe. We want to eat carotenoids because it is a group of...