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Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza
This is our Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza recipe that combines the stilbene resveratrol with the tannin procyanidin. Both belong to an enormous group of antioxidants that are called polyphenols in which there are mainly three important classes being stilbenes, tannins, and flavonoids. Polyphenols are the group of antioxidants that have been most researched in connection with skin aging. A diet rich in polyphenols is believed to be good for both our internal organs and our external one – the skin.

Resveratrol and procyanidin

It has been shown that resveratrol protects against aging caused by the sun's UV rays. In a study done where participants took resveratrol and procyanidin for 60 days, their skin became significantly more resistant to oxidation. There were also improvements in hydration and elasticity as well as a decrease in the number of liver spots and smoother skin texture. However, it is not clear whether these changes were caused by resveratrol, procyanidin, or the combination of the two substances. In order for you to boost your combination of resveratrol and procyanidin, we created this recipe below!

Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza


Resveratrol: red grapes (peeled), cocoa beans, blueberries, and pistachios

Procyanidin: cinnamon, red grapes (peeled), cocoa beans and apples

Ingredients - 1 portion

Half an apple (unpeeled)

10 organic red grapes

One dl of blueberries (fresh or frozen)


Two tablespoonfuls of pistachios

One teaspoon of raw cocoa (cacao) nibs

A sprinkling of cinnamon

A little liquid honey


Chop the apple, cut the grapes in half, and mix with the blueberries. Top with the pistachios and cocoa nibs, and finish with cinnamon and honey.

The recipe was made together with dietitian Karin Magnusson.