Allt om hud
Kan för mycket rengöring orsaka rosacea?

Can Too Much Cleansing Cause Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the face that affects many people with either one or more symptoms...

Allt om hud
Peela bort döda hudceller? Hudexperten reder ut

Peel off dead skin cells? The skin expert explains

We at Skinome often receive questions about the subject of skin peeling. If it is good for the skin, what...

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Tre myter om talg - ett vetenskapligt perspektiv

Three myths about sebum - a scientific perspective

The abundance of information about sebum in the media can easily make one confused about its main functions and its...

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Huden under graviditet och amning

The skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When you become pregnant, the body undergoes a major change and it is affected both externally and internally. This is...

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Hudexpertens 4 tips för dig med torr och känslig hud

The skin expert's 4 tips for you with dry and sensitive skin

Now in autumn, when the air gets drier and it gets colder, many people with dry and sensitive skin start...

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Boosta din hud med våra koncentrat - en guide

Boost your skin with our concentrates - a guide

There are several reasons why you should include one of our concentrates in your skin care routine. The main one...

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Vad är färsk hudvård?

What is fresh skin care?

In an industry where the vast majority of skin care products contain a high degree of preservatives and additives (in...

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Carina Bergs färska hudvårdsfavoriter

Carina Berg's fresh skincare favourites

A simple three-step routine is all your skin needs. After over ten years of research, it is something we at...

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Hudens åldrande - spelar våra bakterier en avgörande roll?

Skin aging - do our bacteria play a decisive role?

Just like everything else on our body, the skin changes as we age . This is due , among other...

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Vår guide till retinol - 5 enkla tips

Our guide to retinol - 5 simple tips

If you're a well-read skin care user, you're probably already familiar with retinol - one of the most talked about...

Allt om hud
Vem väljer din kärlekspartner – du eller ditt hudmikrobiom?

Who chooses your love partner – you or your skin microbiome?

Now in the middle of February, it's Valentine's Day and just in time for this weekend, which for many is...