Allt om hud
Huden under premenstruellt syndrom (PMS)

The skin during premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a well-known part of many women's monthly cycles, which can include a range of symptoms from...

Färsk hudvård
Vår guide till prebiotika

Our guide to prebiotics

Pre-pro and post-biotics sound so similar but fulfill completely different functions to ensure our skin and gut health. Although "biotics"...

Färsk hudvård
Vår guide till probiotika

Our guide to probiotics

Research on the microbiome has grown in recent decades and reveals that we host trillions of microorganisms in various parts...

Allt om hud
Tips och trick – hur du bäst skyddar dina händer

Tips and tricks - how to best protect your hands

Winter, heat, water, dry air, lots of hand washing, soap and disinfectants. An ordinary day in our life can really...

Färsk hudvård
Färsk vs traditionell hudvård - vad är vad?

Fresh vs traditional skin care - which is which?

For too long, there has really only been one option on the skin care market, namely what we at Skinome...

Färsk hudvård
Om vår produktdesign och vad den betyder

About our product design and what it means

Meet Julia & Shila who together form Opposite House = our creative agency and collaboration partner! Together with them we...

Allt om solskydd
Hudexpertens 5 bästa solskyddstips

The skin expert's 5 best sun protection tips

Most of us love spending time in the sun and if we enjoy the sun in reasonable amounts, it can...

Allt om hud
Skinomes hudvård självklart utan PFAS - men varför använder andra dem?

Skinome's skin care obviously without PFAS - but why do other people use them?

You will of course not find PFAS in Skinome's products, we have never used these health-hazardous substances as the risks...

Allt om hud
Hormonstörande ämnen och möjlig påverkan under graviditet

Hormone-disrupting substances and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. They are found in many everyday products that we...

Syntetiska eller naturliga ingredienser – vad är bäst?

Synthetic or natural ingredients - which is better?

We are often asked if we only use natural ingredients in our skin care products and if we avoid chemicals....

Tillverkning av kemikalier - olika metoder

Manufacturing of chemicals - different methods

Synthetically produced chemicals are those created by humans through chemical processes. These substances can be completely new, or be variations...

Allt om hud
Kan för mycket rengöring orsaka rosacea?

Can Too Much Cleansing Cause Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the face that affects many people with either one or more symptoms...

Allt om hud
Peela bort döda hudceller? Hudexperten reder ut

Peel off dead skin cells? The skin expert explains

We at Skinome often receive questions about the subject of skin peeling. If it is good for the skin, what...

Allt om hud
Tre myter om talg - ett vetenskapligt perspektiv

Three myths about sebum - a scientific perspective

The abundance of information about sebum in the media can easily make one confused about its main functions and its...