Allt om hud
Vad du inte visste om vitiligo

What you didn't know about vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease characterized by depigmented (white) skin areas on the body. The disease is common and...

Allt om hud
3 tips för en vintertorr hud

3 tips for dry winter skin

Winter is just around the corner and we are now heading towards increasingly colder times, at least if you live...

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Våra bästa tips för oljig hud

Our best tips for oily skin

Oily skin produces more sebum or sebum, which makes it oily easily. You can easily recognize oily skin by the...

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Våra bästa tips för aknebenägen hud

Our best tips for acne-prone skin

The skin's production of sebum can cause pores to become clogged, leading to blackheads and sometimes even acne. The sebum...

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Hudexpertens 5 bästa hudvårdstips

The skin expert's 5 best skin care tips

Designing a suitable skin care routine is not easy, especially not in a time when there are more skin care...

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7 livsstilsfaktorer som påverkar din hud

7 lifestyle factors that affect your skin

Your skin health largely reflects your lifestyle. Everything you put in your body, from carrots to tobacco smoke, affects your...

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En nybörjarguide till rosacea

A Beginner's Guide to Rosacea

Many of you have probably heard of rosacea. Rosacea is a common chronic and inflammatory skin disease that affects over...

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Skinome och Gutfeeling labs i gemensam studie

Skinome and Gutfeeling labs in joint study

Many of us know the importance of gut flora to our general health, but the skin microbiome is not as...

Allt om hud
Din hudhälsa påverkas av ditt unika universum av mikroorganismer

Your skin health is affected by your unique universe of microorganisms

Most of us know the importance of a balanced intestinal flora for good health. But what about the skin flora,...

Allt om hud
Lär känna din hud - Hudens ABC

Get to know your skin - The ABC of the skin

The skin is one of the body's most important organs, in addition to serving as our ultimate defense against the...